Three Ways We Can Overcome Insecurity

Insecurity. Everyone has wrestled with it at one time or another.
People Pleasing, Social Insecurity, and Debilitating Shyness
For me, my uncertainty regarding my identity led to extreme people-pleasing, social anxiety, and debilitating shyness. Until I began dealing with past wounds, fear continued to plague me even as a Christian, pastor’s wife, and Bible study teacher.
The root of these issues is ANXIETY. An anxious child cannot rest, and neither can a troubled adult. Racing thoughts, conversations played over and over in the brain – these are like mental torture. For me, the lack of mental rest led to exhaustion and insomnia.
Therefore, we cannot REST when we don’t feel SECURE.
“Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.” Deuteronomy 33:12 (NIV)
Three Ways We Can Overcome Insecurity
1. Know Who You Are
Some of us felt securely held by our earthly fathers, yet it was quite the opposite for others. Perhaps some feel secure in our marriages with spouses who treasure us. Some don’t enjoy that safety. The good news is, no matter what our earthly relationships look like, the LORD securely holds all of us who have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Beloved of the Lord
The verse above from Deuteronomy calls us “the beloved of the LORD.” defines “beloved” as “dear to the heart.” What could make us feel more secure than knowing we are dear to our heavenly Father’s heart?
2. Know You are Safe
Deuteronomy 33:12 tells us another reason we can rest securely: “The LORD shields us all day long.“
HE is our shield
Psalm 33:20 says: “Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield.” We are secure in the Beloved, and He is our shield. Nothing can touch us that does not pass through His hand. He is using everything that comes into our lives for our good and His glory.
3. Rest in God’s Love
“The one the LORD loves rests between His shoulders.”
Isaiah 9:6 tells us the government would be upon the shoulders of the coming Messiah, Christ Jesus. As beloved ones of the LORD, we can rest between the shoulders of the One who carries the world!
We can rest

Know Who You Are. You Are Safe. You Can Find Rest.
Friends, like a child, carried safely on her father’s shoulders, overcome insecurity: By knowing who you are, beloved of the LORD; By knowing you are safe, because He shields you all day long; and when you know who you are, and you know you are safe, you can climb up on your Heavenly Father’s back, and find rest between HIS shoulders.
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